Sunday, April 7, 2013

Strawberry Banana Ice Cream / Yogurt

Strawberry Banana 
Ice Cream / Yogurt 

Depending on what mood you are in 
you can keep the fruit really cold for an ice cream consistency or let it sit for a while for a yogurt consistency!

What you need:
*3 Bananas*
*Handful of Strawberries*
(Add more strawberries if you want a stronger strawberry flavor)
*A little bit of water*
*Coconut and strawberries for the topping*
(Or whatever you like best (: !)

*****Cut the Strawberries and Bananas small before you freeze them... mine were way to big and wouldn't blend...
SO I added some regular strawberries and bananas and water to help the frozen ones blend.*****

Once your Ice Cream or Yogurt is blended pour it into a dish, add on toppings, and dig in!!

This recipe will make quite a bit of Ice Cream so I made some for the kids !!

Armando and Paisley !!!

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