Monday, March 18, 2013

Who wants a Banana Split!?

Banana / Blueberry Split

This morning I woke up at 4:30 A.M. and went to the gym with my friend, Mollie. Little did we know that we were going to end up with a 2-hour delay, let alone a closing!!!

While we were sitting in the sauna I was thinking of ideas on what I could make! 
BOOM, this was the one!!

It is soo beautiful! I love the vibrant colors and how quick and easy it was to make!

I was planning on making banana ice cream after school today, but instead I used the frozen bananas to make this yummy blueberry banana "ice cream sauce"

What you will need:
*Vitamix blender*
*Festive Plate*
*1 frozen banana*
*1 Carton of frozen blueberries*
*1 banana for the split :)*
*Optional: some blueberries and shredded coconut for the topping*

For the Blueberry / Banana "ice cream sauce"
Put the frozen banana and bluberries into your Vitamix (or other blender) 
and mix for a few seconds until it looks like the picture below!

For the Banana Split
 Use a knife and hold the banana upright and slowly
 (watch your fingers) 
cut down the middle of the banana.


Lay the banana out on your festive plate and begin to pour the blueberry / banana 
"ice cream sauce" over top!!

Lastly, sprinkle your blueberries and shredded coconut to top it off!
(or the ingredients you choose)

100% GUILT FREE !!!!!

Have a fabulous day <3

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