Watermelon Juice/Smoothie

Watermelon Juice / Smoothie 

I have read all kinds of materials on Watermelon Juice !!
Watermelon are a good sources of vitamins A and C, B vitamins, carbohydrates, potassium, and antioxidants. They also contain amino acids which can help keep arteries and blood flow to our hearts in fine order. If you're looking for fresh ways to upgrade your health, watermelons will be a mouth watering and intelligent choice. Just one cup of this tasty fruit will provide your body with a boost of 20% vitamin C.

Watermelon are also proven to:
Support Vision
Boost energy levels 
Strengthen your immune system

What you will need:
*A blender (Vitamix)*
*A half of a watermelon*
*Big Bowl*

First start out by scooping your watermelon into your blender seeds and all!!!
If you don't like the seeds don't worry.. I don't like them either :/

You want the seeds in your blender
 Of the Zinc they contain!
Zinc is a mineral required to maintain healthy body functioning, particularly for your immune system.
Of the Proteins they contain!
Watermelon seeds are an estimated 35 percent protein, making them a good source for your body.

Of the Iron they contain!
Your body requires iron to produce red blood cells. Watermelon seeds contain 2 g of iron per 1 oz. serving.
Of the Dietary Fibers they contain!
Dietary fiber is important because it helps you maintain a healthy digestive tract  Although the body does not digest this portion of the watermelon seeds, the seed portion helps to add bulk to your stool, making it pass more easily through your body.

*The blender will break down the seeds, you won't taste them, and will release all these wonderful nutrients into your body*

NOW turn on your blender :) 

Here is where you can choose !!!!!!!
You can either drink the watermelon as a smoothie
drain out the pulp and make it a juice !

Both ways are yummy but for me...
I drain it!

Look how gorgeous that looks !

Now its time for you to drink up!!
*Remember what I said about the dietary fibers*
You will thank me later hahah :)


Hannah :)

Found info on the website below!

1 comment:

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